Pug of the Month

Ch. Nonesuch Lil' Bit of Soul, RN, OJP

Date of birth: November 23, 2004
Owner: Donna Manha and Joe Sullivan
Breeder: Ann Trimble
Sire: BISS Ch. Sycamore's Soul Celebration, CGC, RN
Dam: Ch. Nonesuch Magic Touch
Titles: AKC Breed Champion, Rally Novice, Open Agility Jumper Preferred
Favorite food: Diva will eat anything but she goes crazy over pizza crust and salmon.  She should be doing tracking as she can find food anywhere!
Favorite toy: Large stuffed spider, nylabone and anything that is fuzzy and squeaks.
Likes: Sleeping under the covers in mom and dad's bed, having her tummy rubbed, going for long walks, running an Agility course, chasing airplanes (or anything that moves).  Likes having her own way and doing things her own way!!
Dislikes: Loud noises, the vacuum cleaner, all big dogs, having her nails done.
Home companions: None -- only spoiled child.  May or may not be receptive to having a companion at home in the future.
E-mail Diva at: pugsrus2@comcast.net
About the Owner: Donna and Joe have been active members of NCPC since the early 1990's.  Donna has been addicted to showing and training dogs since the 1970's in conformation and obedience, with the most recent addition to those challenges being the sport of Agility.  Joe serves as loyal "pit crew" for our competition adventures -- providing moral support, motor home transportation, catering and always a lap (or anything else she wants) for his darling Diva.  As with most pug owners, our lives center around our loving companion.  

Diva finished her AKC championship title by going Best of Breed!

Diva obtained her Novice Jumper Preferred title in June 2008.

Diva -- showing what a pug can do!

Diva with her daddy, "Benson",
BISS Ch. Sycamore's Soul Celebration CD, RN

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